Open Records Requests

Copies of Accident & Incident Reports may be obtained:
Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Open Records Requests will NOT be accepted via fax. Must be made via mail or in person at Lumberton PD
Accident Reports:
Transportation Code, Sec. 550.065. RELEASE OF CRASH REPORTS. (b) Excerpt as provided by Subsection (c), a crash report held by the department is privileged and for the confidential use of the department; and an agency of the United States, this state, or a local government of this state having use for the report for crash prevention purposes. (c) allows release of a crash report on written request and payment of required fee: (4) a person who provides the department or law enforcement agency with two or more of the following: date of the crash; the name of any person involved; the specific location of the crash.
*Texas Statute allows the investigating officer 10 days in which to submit his/her report.
*Certified copies of crash reports can only be obtained through Texas Department of Transportation  @
Incident Reports:

Incident Reports and all other documents such as photographs, videos, statements, etc. may be obtained Under The Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, The Public Information Act.

In order to obtain requested records you must provide this agency enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the Lumberton Police Department to accurately identify and locate the information requested. The required information to obtain records that are open to the public are: the date of report, offense title, name of complainant or arrestee and the specific form(s) requesting.

You may review information that is not confidential and open for public record promptly and at no charge at the Lumberton Police Department, if available. If report contains confidential information or information that is not open for public record at the time and must be edited from the record before it can be made available for inspection, you will be charged $.10/page for said copies.

If report can not be produced immediately a date and time will be provided within 10 days of request.

If requesting any information other than what is public record; this agency has the right to request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General and a copy of the ruling will be provided to requestor.

*If requesting by mail, you must provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of documents.